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CMS Successfully Assists Legal Permanent Residents Apply for Citizenship

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Director of Legal Service Robert McCreanor and Immigration Operations Manager Frederik Stefani assist legal permanent residents complete their N-400 forms.

On Saturday March 1st, Catholic Migration Services hosted a Citizenship Application Assistance Workshop at St. Thomas Aquinas in Park Slope, Brooklyn. Staff and volunteers worked with many legal permanent residents to complete their citizenship applications.

CMS is a part of The New Americans Campaign which provides free and much needed access to legally qualified permanent residents to take the critical step to becoming American citizens. The process to obtain citizenship can be confusing and complex. Limited knowledge about the path to citizenship and costly fees can make the process more difficult for legal residents. However, the benefits of having citizenship can really enhance a person’s quality of life. When new Americans gain the rights, freedoms and responsibilities of citizenship they contribute more fully to their communities. (more…)

CMS Responds to the Needs of the Arabic Speaking Community

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Staff Attorney Mariam Magar informs parishioners about CMS’ legal services.


Catholic Migration Legal Fellow Mariam Magar is springing into her role as an outreach coordinator to the Arabic speaking community within the Diocese of Brooklyn. On Tuesday, February 26th at St. Matthias parish in Ridgewood, Queens, Mariam and CMS Director of Legal Services, Robert McCreanor spoke to members about the wide range of services that CMS offers to immigrant communities in the Brooklyn Diocese. (more…)

Gearing Up for our March 1st Citizenship Workshop

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Outreach Assistant Rebecca Rybaltowski speaks to parishioners about our upcoming Citizenship Workshop during a Spanish language Mass.

On Saturday March 1st, Catholic Migration Services, in partnership with the New Americans Campaign, will be hosting a citizenship workshop at St. Thomas Aquinas parish located in Park Slope, Brooklyn. Outreach Assistant Rebecca Rybaltowski has been reaching out to parishes in the Brooklyn Dioceses all month long in an effort to make parishioners aware of this free and life changing opportunity. Her outreach efforts have succeeded in increasing the number of registered participants. In total, over 1,000 parishioners heard her announcement during Spanish language Masses and even more read about our citizenship workshop in their churches’ bulletins. (more…)

CMS Informs Parishioners in Jackson Heights About Their Labor Rights

Alice Linea Laboral Outreach

Staff Attorney Alice Davis meets with a parishioner.

On Sunday February 23rd CMS staff and attorneys provided onsite legal consultations after two Spanish language masses to parishioners of St. Joan of Arc in Jackson Heights, Queens. Continuing our efforts to inform parishioners in the Brooklyn Dioceses about the increase in the minimum wage, CMS’ Labor Department and support staff encouraged the community to seek wage justice. (more…)

CMS Participates in a Leadership Training for Immigrants

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Participants of the Faith in New York training receive information about CMS’ citizenship workshop on March 1st.

On Saturday February 1st CMS Outreach Assistant Rebecca Rybaltowski participated in a leadership training hosted by Faith in NY at St. Teresa in Woodside,Queens. The training informed community members about tactics to successfully lobby and advocate for immigration reform. The training also prepared participants for their options if immigration reform were to pass. (more…)

CMS Informs Parishes in Queens about Workers’ Rights

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Parishioners at Mount Carmel are informed about their labor rights by CMS staff.

On Sunday February 2nd CMS’ Linea Laboral Operator Benjamin Petersen and Immigration Counselor Adam Augustyn spoke to parishioners of St. Margaret Mary parish in Long Island City about the recent increase to minimum wage while simultaneously informing parishioners about their rights in the workplace. Benjamin spoke to parishioners during the mass and urged them to contact CMS if they are experiencing workplace violations. After the mass approximately 100 people gathered in the gymnasium to receive more in depth information about how they could utilize CMS as a resource to combat work place abuses. Benjamin spoke privately to some parishioners about their personal labor related issues and he worked to find possible solutions to each individual’s situation. Immigration Counselor Adam Augustyn was on hand to answer some parishioners immigration related inquires. (more…)