CMS Educates Parishioners on DACA and ITIN

Rebecca Rybaltowski, Outreach Assistant communicates information to parishioners about DACA and ITIN.
On Sunday October 20th over 40 parishioners at Holy Family-St. Thomas Aquinas attended an informational session on Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), the stall on immigration reform and the impact of recent reform in healthcare. Rebecca Rybaltowski, Outreach Assistant at CMS focused her presentation on the guidelines of DACA. DACA is for children who meet several key requirements and may request consideration of deferred action for a period of two years, subject to renewal and would then be eligible for work authorization. She emphasized that DACA only defers the process of deportation.
Rebecca encouraged parishioners to remain proactive about their status even though immigration reform is at a standstill on the Congressional level. She suggested that while they await immigration reform they should learn English, study for the citizenship test and keep all of their records on their taxes, their employment and their education organized and in a safe place. The focus of the presentation also detailed how to obtain an individual taxpayer identification number which can be used to pay taxes.
Abdo Almasmary Outreach Specialist from Fidelis closed out the session by providing information on the health care reform and how Fidelis health care can benefit parishioners and their families.
For more information on DACA and ITIN click here.
For more information about Fidelis click here.