CMS Equips Parishioners with Information about Naturalization and Citizenship

Frederik Stefani, Immigration Operations Manager speaks about the different pathways to naturalization and citizenship.
On Wednesday October 9th Frederik Stefani, Immigration Operations Manager and Rebecca Rybaltowski, Outreach Assistant hosted an informational session at Mary Queen of Heaven parish to educate people about the immigration process. Approximately 20 people were in attendance and they were informed about the pathways to adjust status, become a permanent resident, and how to apply for naturalization.
CMS is committed to making information easily accessible to parishioners. This presentation is an initiative to share knowledge and resources with parishioners about the pathway to naturalization and citizenship. The path to naturalization and citizenship is easier if the person is equipped with knowledge and supportive resources.
Currently family reunification is central to the argument calling for immigration reform and the unification of families was a strong concern for many of the parishioners at this presentation. During the presentation parishioners were eager to understand how they can petition for their spouses, their siblings and their parents. They wanted to understand how long each of the various processes would take. Participants also wanted information about the Temporary Protection Status for those who qualified.
For more information about our outreach efforts please contact our Queens office at (347)-472-3500.