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CMS Informs Parishes in Queens about Workers’ Rights

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Parishioners at Mount Carmel are informed about their labor rights by CMS staff.

On Sunday February 2nd CMS’ Linea Laboral Operator Benjamin Petersen and Immigration Counselor Adam Augustyn spoke to parishioners of St. Margaret Mary parish in Long Island City about the recent increase to minimum wage while simultaneously informing parishioners about their rights in the workplace. Benjamin spoke to parishioners during the mass and urged them to contact CMS if they are experiencing workplace violations. After the mass approximately 100 people gathered in the gymnasium to receive more in depth information about how they could utilize CMS as a resource to combat work place abuses. Benjamin spoke privately to some parishioners about their personal labor related issues and he worked to find possible solutions to each individual’s situation. Immigration Counselor Adam Augustyn was on hand to answer some parishioners immigration related inquires.

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Parishioners at St. Margaret Mary listen to the resources that CMS has to report workplace abuses.

Later in the day at our Lady of Mount Carmel in Astoria, Queens, CMS Staff Attorney Alice Davis gave an announcement during the Spanish mass to inform parishioners about the impact the changes to minimum wage could have in their personal lives. She also informed nearly 200 parishioners to connect with CMS if they needed assistance reporting workplace violations. She stressed that regardless of a person’s immigration status they had rights in the workplace. After the mass CMS staff passed out flyers which detailed the services CMS provides for communities in the Brooklyn Dioceses. After the mass Alice and CMS staff was available to answer labor related questions from parishioners who had specific and personal questions. Many parishioners felt motivated to pass along the information to their family and friends.

For more information about the minimum wage increase click here.

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