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CMS Informs Parishioners in Jackson Heights About Their Labor Rights

Alice Linea Laboral Outreach

Staff Attorney Alice Davis meets with a parishioner.

On Sunday February 23rd CMS staff and attorneys provided onsite legal consultations after two Spanish language masses to parishioners of St. Joan of Arc in Jackson Heights, Queens. Continuing our efforts to inform parishioners in the Brooklyn Dioceses about the increase in the minimum wage, CMS’ Labor Department and support staff encouraged the community to seek wage justice.

Community Outreach Coordinator Virginia Thomas spoke to over 200 parishioners during the early and late afternoon masses. During her message she emphasized that workers had the right to issue written formal complaints against previous employers even if they have already left that job. Furthermore Virginia emphasized that CMS has helped hundreds of workers receive thousands of dollars in workers’ compensation. After the masses Director of Legal Service, Robert McCreanor and Staff Attorney, Alice Davis provided onsite legal consultations to parishioners who had questions about their current labor conditions and who wanted to begin the process of documenting past labor abuses. Parishioners expressed gratitude that they had a resource which they could rely on to protect and enforce their labor rights.

For more information about the increase to minimum wage click here.

For more information about our upcoming Linea Laboral Outreach click here.