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CMS Responds to the Needs of the Arabic Speaking Community

Mariam Magar pic 6 outreach

Staff Attorney Mariam Magar informs parishioners about CMS’ legal services.


Catholic Migration Legal Fellow Mariam Magar is springing into her role as an outreach coordinator to the Arabic speaking community within the Diocese of Brooklyn. On Tuesday, February 26th at St. Matthias parish in Ridgewood, Queens, Mariam and CMS Director of Legal Services, Robert McCreanor spoke to members about the wide range of services that CMS offers to immigrant communities in the Brooklyn Diocese.

Mariam began the presentation with a brief description of the three legal service programs that CMS currently offers to community members. She educated participants about basic housing, labor and immigration law. Catholic Charities was also on hand to give participants information about their direct social services like ESL classes and job placement programs. After presenting, Robert and Mariam conducted one on one consultation with participants.

Mariam Magar who is fluent in Arabic joins CMS’ staff in order to convey our legal service programs to the Arabic speaking community. This outreach initiative is relevant to the needs of the people in the community who are looking for affordable legal assistance especially as many of them try to secure legal status and reunify with their families. Participants were enthusiastic utilizing the free legal service CMS provides. As a result of this presentation over half of the participants scheduled follow up appointments so that staff attorneys can assess their situations and offer them deeper explanations of their options. CMS is committed to exploring the needs of the Arabic speaking community, strengthening our relationship with Middle East and North African immigrants and satisfying their legal needs.

To contact Mariam Magar our Arabic Outreach coordinator call 1 347-425-3500.