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Largest Citizenship Drive Attended by Hundreds Takes Place at the Bronx Zoo

On Sunday, May 20th, Catholic Migration Services partnered with Northern Manhattan Coalition for Immigrant Rights (NMCRI) for New York’s largest Citizenship Drive ever. Organized by NMCRI, hundreds of immigrant New Yorkers arrived at the Bronx Zoo for an opportunity to complete citizenship applications free of charge. Community partners included: NALEO Educational Fund, CUNY Citizenship Now!, Chhaya CDC, Dominicanos USA, GMHC, New York Cares, International Rescue Committee, New-York Historical Society, the New York State Office for New Americans, the New York State Liberty Defense Project, and the New York Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs; as well as the media outlets who maintain our community informed and helped us spread the word about this historic event: Telemundo, Univision, NY1, NY1 Noticias, El Diario; and many others.

[Photos: Northern Manhattan Coalition for Immigrant Rights, New York State Office of New Americans and New York Cares.]