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Lily Stadler

Lily is a DOJ Accredited Immigration Counselor with the Pro Se Plus Project for Catholic Migration Services. She grew up in Vermont and moved to Guanajuato, Mexico with her family during elementary school. Lily is fluent in Spanish and has spent time living, working, and studying in Guatemala and Cuba. Lily graduated from Skidmore College with a B.A. in Political Science and a minor in Intergroup Relations. During her time at Skidmore, she co-facilitated Inter- and Intragroup dialogues focusing on race, identity, and social justice. Prior to joining Catholic Migration Services, she served as an Intake Worker at Texas RioGrande Legal Aide, a paralegal and naturalization teacher as the ANSOB Center for Refugees, and an intern with Coalition for Immigrant Freedom. Lily is committed to empowering immigrants to know and exercise their rights as they navigate a complex and deeply flawed immigration system.