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Apply for citizenship immigration organization free assistance

Read the original story from the World Journal in Chinese: 申請入籍 移民組織免費協助

Reporter Yan Jieen, New York, reported at 06:00 on December 2, 2018

New York City’s multiple immigrant rights organizations provide legal advice on citizenship in Brooklyn (Brooklyn) on the 1st (Saturday) and help green card holders fill out the naturalization application form at no charge; the organizer said that in Trump Under the atmosphere of the government’s drastic immigration policy, the consultation activities will enable the public to apply for naturalization.

The event took place from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, the New York Lawyers for the Public Interest, the Catholic Migration Services and many other legal institutions, providing about 50 volunteers. The field serves the green card holder who wants to apply for naturalization.

The organizers said that legal services have always been expensive. Immigrants only have to pay 725 yuan to submit the application form. “Not everyone can afford it.” People in marginal areas may not be able to access perfect legal services. Decided to hold similar events throughout New York City to help applicants who need it.

The organizer explained that the applicants who attended the event on the same day had legal screening (Legal Screenings), including confirmation of visas, identity documents and legal documents, etc. They only need to carry a green card, social security number and passport, and have obtained public welfare. Applicants (Public Benefits) must obtain a letter from the relevant agency.

The Trump administration’s immigration policy has tightened, and the recent amendments to the “Public Charge” rules have made many green card holders afraid that the naturalization application will be affected. However, the organizers reiterated that the amendment has not yet been finalized. Most people will not be implicated, reminding people not to be ignorant; on the contrary, people should actively participate in the resources provided by the community and understand the relevant procedures, “to be more confident in responding to naturalization applications.”

In addition to the activities on the day, the organizers said that people who need to apply for citizenship assistance can call the hotline (212)-225 4400 to confirm that they meet the naturalization requirements, and then arrange an appointment with the citizenship clinic.