Citizenship Workshop 2014
Are you eligible for citizenship? Querer aplicar para se ciudadano?
On Saturday March 1st Catholic Migration Services will be hosting a citizenship workshop at St. Thomas Aquinas located in Park Slope, Brooklyn.This workshop is made possible through our partnership with the New Americans Campaign.

CMS staff, attorneys, and volunteers assist eligible residents fill out citizenship application forms.
The New Americans Campaign is an ongoing initiative to naturalize eligible legal permanent residents. When LPR’s naturalize they gain rights,freedoms,and the responsibilities of citizenship which enables them to contribute to the vitality of our communities and our democracy as a whole. The journey to attain citizenship is complex,confusing, and costly which deters eligible residents from obtaining citizenship. Through our workshops, we are able to demystify the application process and successfully complete hundreds of citizenship applications. The citizenship application will be undergoing changes which will further complicate the already arduous process of applying for citizenship.Before these changes become effective we hope to increase the number of applicants for citizenship in order to sustain the annual increase in naturalization.
During the workshop CMS’ staff and attorneys and volunteers will be present to help legal permanent residents fill out their citizenship application forms and fee waivers. let our staff assist you with your application. Join us on March 1st!
For information about eligibility for citizenship please click here.
To register for our citizenship workshop call 646-597-8797.