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CMS’ Director of Legal Services Discusses Immigration Reform on Telemundo

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

On Wednesday, CMS’ Legal Director Robert McCreanor was interviewed on Telemundo’s live morning program, Buenas Dias Nueva York, where he discussed immigration reform and the supportive initiatives of the Catholic Church in this regard.


Robert emphasized that Congress has not yet enacted comprehensive immigration reform and, therefore, that for most undocumented immigrants there is no law through which they can become legal citizens of the United States.

For those who await immigration reform, it is important to be aware of fraudulent organizations and people who will charge for dubious services. He stressed that Catholic Migration Services welcomes the immigrant community of Brooklyn and Queens to utilize the resources of the organization.

Robert highlighted the various programs at Catholic Migration Services which support immigrants’ rights. He drew attention to the yearlong programs run by CMS like the affirmative immigration filings, legal advocacy for defense against deportation and removal proceedings, the Immigrant Tenant Advocacy Program as well as the Immigrant Workers’ Rights Program. All of these programs are open to immigrant communities in the Diocese of Brooklyn.

Click here to see the interview. 

For more information on the Catholic Church’s advocacy for comprehensive immigration reform, please visit