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CMS Hosts Immigration & Workers’ Rights Clinic in Corona

Sunday, December 9, 2012

CMS immigration counselor Marisol Canales discusses immigration concerns with community members.

On Sunday afternoon, CMS immigration counselor Marisol Canales and Línea Laboral operator Rebecca Rybaltowski hosted an immigration and workers’ rights clinic at St. Paul the Apostle in Corona.

After St. Paul’s Spanish-language Mass, Rebecca gave a brief presentation about CMS’ immigration and workers’ rights programs and invited the congregation to visit the CMS services table.

At the services table, Marisol and Rebecca met with approximately 25 Corona residents, providing more information about CMS’ immigration services and Línea Laboral, our toll-free worker’s rights hotline. They also answered questions about individual immigration and workers’ rights issues.

This clinic is part of Catholic Migration’s ongoing effort to make our services in immigration, housing, and workers’ rights readily available to communities and parishes in Brooklyn and Queens.