Italian-American church in Brooklyn's 'Little Guatemala' gets new lease on life
A Brooklyn church in fear of closing finds revival in new Guatemalan immigrants and stands by them amidst the uncertainties of immigration policies.
A Brooklyn church in fear of closing finds revival in new Guatemalan immigrants and stands by them amidst the uncertainties of immigration policies.
In celebration of Immigrant Heritage Week, Catholic Migration Services, New York Lawyers for the Public Interest and several law firms hosts naturalization workshop for eligible green card holders on April 21, 2018.
In the most recent episode of In the Arena, host Monsignor Kieran Harrington sits down with Father Patrick Keating, CEO of Catholic Migration Services. The two discuss recent changes to TPS (Temporary Protective Status) while also addressing what Catholic Migration
On a frigid Thursday afternoon hundreds of attorneys and community groups rallied at the steps of Brooklyn Borough Hall against recent arrests of immigrants within New York State Courts. The rally demanded that the Office of Court Administration prevent court officers from
On Saturday, November 18th the Annual Diocesan Migration Day Mass was held at the Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph in Prospect Heights, Brooklyn. Hundreds of the faith gathered in the breaking of the bread to celebrate the rich diversity of Brooklyn
Tenant organizer with Catholic Migration teams up with Queens Legal Services to advocate on behalf of an undocumented resident targeted by landlord because of immigration status.
Trabajadores de Tom Cat Bakery, una de las panaderías más conocidas en la cuidad organizaron #DayWithoutBread o #UnDíaSinPan junto con Brandworkers, la organización laboral que les une.
The Department of Housing, Preservation and Development joined by Councilmembers Antonio Reynoso and Rafael Espinal held a tenant resource fair in Bushwick to inform the community of legal tools and associations to help them fight back against landlords and scrupulous
Following a rally to protest the threatened mass firings of immigrant workers at Tom Cat Bakery after a Department of Homeland Security investigation, employees have secured an extension of the deadline.
Elected officials and community supporters rallied outside of Tom Cat Bakery, the city’s oldest artisanal bakery to protest and stand in solidarity with immigrant workers threatened by mass firings after a Department of Homeland Security investigation.