
CMS is currently accepting applications from first and second year law students for summer legal internships in the following three program areas:  immigration legal services (affirmative filings and removal defense), immigrant tenant advocacy (housing legal services), and immigrant workers’ rights

On August 27, 2012 representatives of Catholic Migration Services met with government officials to renew an alliance that has been promoting the rights of immigrant workers since 2009. 

On the evening of September 20th, 2012, invited guests gathered for the Catholic Migration Services Fall Benefit, sponsored by Time Warner.  From our event space on the 10th Floor of the Time Warner Center, our attendees had a beautiful view

Calling All Dreamers! The Obama administration has announced that it will stop deporting DREAM Act-eligible youth. What’s more, it will use its administrative authority to grant, on a case-by-case basis, deferred action and work authorization to young people who meet

 *Registration for our dinners is now closed.  If you would like to support our work, please use the “Donate Now” Button on this page.*   Our annual Shining Stars Award Dinners will take place on Friday, September 28th and Friday,

Catholic Migration Services recently entered into formal partnership with Catholic Legal Immigration Network (CLINIC) and the Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC) to assist in carrying out a large-scale naturalization campaign, aiming to process hundreds of citizenship applications for eligible individuals