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Tipped Minimum Wage Increase

tipped workers

Governor Cuomo’s administration announced on February 24th that by December 31, 2015, the tipped minimum wage will be $7.50 in New York State. This is in response to over 2,000 emails to the New York State Department of Labor, rallies, and public testimonies. As a result of the two-tiered wage system that is currently in place service workers are forced to live off of tips for the bulk of their take-home pay. This is a huge victory for wage equality and fair wages for restaurant servers, hotel housekeepers and other tipped employees in New York.

CMS Testifies on Labor Trafficking

On Friday, February 27, 2015, the New York City Council’s Committee on Immigration held a hearing on labor trafficking in the domestic worker industry. Alice Davis, staff attorney in the Immigrant Workers’ Rights Program, testified on the need for adequate training the law enforcement agencies that are most likely to encounter victims of trafficking, to create uniform policies for interviewing victims, and clarifying the role of advocates during investigations.


A recent study by Hoftstra University found that there are over 11,000 victims of human trafficking in New York alone. Yet, since 2007, only 37 victims have been confirmed by New York law enforcement agencies to receive emergency assistance and other benefits. Based on this discrepancy, Council Member Menchaca, Chair of the Committee on Immigration, stated that, “It is clear that more needs to be done to improve the lives of labor trafficking victims.”

The Immigrant Workers’ Rights Program assists victims of labor trafficking by representing them in civil litigation for wage violations and other claims arising out of their employment, as well as assisting them in applications for T visas.

For more information on the Immigrant Workers’ Rights Program please click here.

CMS Joins Community Meeting at Our Lady of Perpetual Help

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On Sunday December 14th 2014 CMS staff Alice Davis, Quetzalli Rocha, and Rebecca Rybaltowski attended a community meeting put on by Faith in New York, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, and the Juan Newman Center at the Notre Dame Hall at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish. This programming was made possible in part by the support of New York City Council Member Carlos Menchaca. Over 150 community members attended this event. Bitta Mostofi the director of the Municipal ID Outreach Campaign discussed the new Municipal ID program. Father Piedra from Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish discussed President Obama’s new Administrative Relief.


CMS Meets with the Mexican Consulate


On Thursday, December 11th 2014 CMS Staff Rev. Patrick Keating, Robert McCreanor, Alice Davis, and Quetzalli Rocha met with Ambassador Fuentes, Mario Cuevas, and Johannes Jacome, representatives of the Mexican Consulate.  Throughout the meeting participants discussed the Immigrant Workers’ Rights Program (IWRP) and the program’s hotline, Linea Laboral. Nearly half of Linea Laboral callers are from Mexican nationals and since May 2014 59% of the cases sent through Linea Laboral to government agencies have been from Mexican citizens. The Mexican consulate has been a powerful ally in promoting the Linea Laboral hotline. Linea Laboral has been successful in addressing the needs of immigrant workers across the New York tri-state area, responding to 355 calls since May. CMS thanks the Mexican Consulate for their contribution to Linea Laboral!


CMS Hosts Citizenship Workshop

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On Saturday, December 6th, CMS hosted a Citizenship Application Assistance Workshop in its Brooklyn office. Staff and volunteers were able to assist over 20 registered participants with their applications to become U.S. citizens, as well as connect citizenship applicants to resources within their communities to help them prepare for the English and civics exam. (more…)

CMS Hosts Informational Session on Administrative Relief


On Saturday December 6th 2014 CMS held an informational session on Administrative Relief at St. Sebastian Parish Center. Over 300 people attended this event to gather more information on the new policy that will provide an opportunity for certain undocumented immigrants in the United States to apply for a limited form of immigration legal relief.
