Tuesday October 15, 2013 On October 4th and October 11th over 850 attendees representing different immigrant communities in the Brooklyn and the Queens dioceses gathered to celebrate this year’s Shining Star Award recipients. In total 30 leaders who have made

Monday October 7, 2013 On Saturday October 5th CMS marched across the Brooklyn Bridge for humane and dignified immigration reform alongside hundreds of people on what organizers called a “National Day of Immigrant Dignity and Respect.” Nationwide thousands of supports

Wednesday, September 18, 2013 Catholic Migration services is pleased to partner with The New Americans Campaign. This is a multi-state campaign to help legally qualified aspiring citizens navigate the path to becoming new Americans. Their major points of success are

Wednesday, September 4, 2013 On Wednesday night, Catholic Migration Services, New York Immigration Coalition, Health First, Health and Hospitals Corporation, and Arab American Family Support Center participated in a town hall meeting to discuss the impact that the healthcare reform