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Tools for Tenants Ahead of Bushwick Rezoning

A tenant resource fair was held in Bushwick on Tuesday, March 28th hosted by the Department of Housing, Preservation and Development along with Councilmembers Antonio Reynoso and Rafael Espinal. The event aimed at informing tenants and providing legal tools and associations to help tenants fight back against landlords and scrupulous tactics. Managing attorney for the housing program with Catholic Migration Services, Andrew Lehrer was among the organizations present.

Read the full story from City Limits: Tools for Tenants Ahead of Bushwick Rezoning


Tom Cat Bakery management works with immigrant workers facing termination

After a rally held on March 22nd to protest the threatened mass firings of immigrant workers following a Department of Homeland Security investigation, employees at Tom Cat Bakery have secured an extension of the deadline that would fire long time employees with no severance pay, within 10 business days if they did not provide documents proving they are in the United States legally. The workers are being represented by attorneys from Catholic Migration Services and Urban Justice Center – Community Development Project.

Read the full story from the Times Ledger: Tom Cat Bakery management works with immigrant facing termination


Immigrant Food Factory Workers Threatened with Mass Termination Choose Resistance

Following a Department of Homeland Security investigation, immigrant workers from Tom Cat Bakery were threatened by mass firings. On Wednesday, March 22nd workers, elected officials and community supporters rallied outside of the city’s oldest artisanal bakery to protest and stand in solidarity. The workers, represented by attorneys from Catholic Migration Services and Urban Justice Center – Community Development Project are also members of Brandworkers, a non-profit organization bringing local food production workers together for good jobs and a sustainable food system.

Read the full press release from Brandworkers in Common Dreams: Immigrant Food Factory Workers Threatened with Mass Termination Choose Resistance

Queens Church Attempts to Ease Immigration Fears

Michelle Powers reports from St. Bartholomew Church in Elmhurst, Queens where the pastor, Fr. Rick Beuther gathers the community for a night of information with presentations from both Catholic Migration and the NYPD. The evening is intended to ensure immigrant families know their rights and receive and are informed by credible sources.

See Currents NET TV’s coverage of the community event: Queens Church Attempts to Ease Immigration Fears


NYC warns of fake ICE agent scams

Lucy Yang, a reporter for Eyewitness News with ABC7NY, warned the community of fraudulent immigration agents ripping off immigrants in New York. The suspects have approached victims asking them for cash or threatening them with immediate deportation.

Both Mayor Bill de Blasio and ICE encourage the community to report these impostors immediately to local law enforcement.

Read the full story from ACB7NY: NYC warns of fake ICE agents scamming undocumented immigrants

Know Your Rights

Everyone living in the United States has certain basic rights under the U.S. Constitution, including people who are undocumented. To protect yourself, your family and your community, it is essential to Know Your Rights. You are also encouraged to utilize the “red card” provided by the National Immigration Law Center. Print it and keep it on you at all times.

Follow the link to access the card and find more Know Your Rights resources from the NILC.