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CMS Participates in a DACA outreach event

Megan Helbling, Kimberly Kearns, and Rebecca Rybaltowski at the Catholic Migration Services information table

Megan Helbling, Kimberly Kearns, and Rebecca Rybaltowski at the Catholic Migration Services information table

On Wednesday December 18th Outreach Assistant Rebecca Rybaltowski attended an event on Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals hosted by the Immigrant Movement International: Juventud Ecuadoriana in Corona, Queens. In attendance were FEGS Health and Human Services: Brooklyn Resource Center and the Young Woman Christian Association.

During the event Rebecca spoke about CMS services highlighting our Linea Laboral. Participants were interested in getting information about qualifications to apply for DACA as well as educational opportunities such as ESL and Citize

nship classes.

For more information on Linea Laboral click here.

For more information on our immigration services click here.

CMS Builds Community at St. Michael’s Parish in Brooklyn

Ben's Fotos 027Continuing the celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe on Thursday December 12th, CMS’ Linea Laboral Coordinator, Ben Petersen, attended mass with parishioners of St.Michael’s Church in Sunset Park ,Brooklyn. Prior to the mass, Ben marched with parishioners in a procession, led by priests carrying the image of the Our Lady of Guadalupe and followed by a full mariachi band. Though it was very cold and windy,participants were enthusiastic about honoring Our Lady of Guadalupe and carried roses and flowers along the route, which they laid at her alter upon reaching the cathedral. (more…)

CMS’ Director of Legal Services Discusses Immigration Reform on Telemundo

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

On Wednesday, CMS’ Legal Director Robert McCreanor was interviewed on Telemundo’s live morning program, Buenas Dias Nueva York, where he discussed immigration reform and the supportive initiatives of the Catholic Church in this regard.


Robert emphasized that Congress has not yet enacted comprehensive immigration reform and, therefore, that for most undocumented immigrants there is no law through which they can become legal citizens of the United States. (more…)